Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Matthew left a message today and was in Rawlins, WY. He plans on being in Ft. Collins, Co to celebrate his birthday with his family on Monday :)



  1. Matt keep on pedaling on to the sunny side of Colorado. Missed ya in Walden but good luck on your trip. I still see you are as crazy as ever. Well have fun on the flats of midwest

    From Kremtucky

  2. Matt's here! He's tan and a little thinner than the last time we saw him (graduation). But you look happier than ever Matt! Let the celebration begin and never end.

  3. Good going Matt, you get to see any of the world cup game? Anywho, you keep going at this pace you'll get there too soon. Don't forget to stop and smell some roses

  4. Roses are smelling good, I keep going and more roses appear. I'm glad I'm in colorado in just twenty days. The Midwest awaits me, and I'm hoping to pedal through it with a similar pace I used to get to Colorado.
